Sustainable Sites Print

sustainableAn underground detention vault with an open bottom was designed with 3’ of open grated stone to allow the majority of rainwater that falls on the site to infiltrate back into the ground. In larger rain events, once water fills the stone void space, water drains out of the vault through a pipe connected to the city’s sewer system.

The green roof is a point of visual interest and contributes to the sustainability of the building and the surrounding environment. Using native plants that require little maintenance and no artificial irrigation, the roof also conserves potable water and assists with reducing stormwater runoff. When stormwater is not rapidly absorbed, house1it builds up and carries pollutants found on paved surfaces to local water streams and can contribute to flooding.
The green roof contributes to energy savings by reducing excess heat through a process known as evaporative cooling. The plants and soil also insulate the building, and during the summer months, help to keep heat off the building thus reducing cooling loads.

The landscape design surrounding the building includes native and drought-tolerant plantings to Illinois. To irrigate house2the plantings, water is captured from the roof and directed to the planter box areas out front. This more passive system will likely save nearly 764,000 gallons of water each year.