Smart911 and Rave Safety Alert System Print

Smart 911 logo With Smart911 you can create a Safety Profile for your household that includes any information you may want 9-1-1 and response teams to have in the event of an emergency such as allergies, pets, emergency contacts, household information, medical history, and vulnerable needs. When you make an emergency call, your Safety Profile is automatically displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker, allowing them to send the appropriate response teams to the correct location with the right information. Responders can be made aware of many details they would not have known previously, so fire crews can arrive at a house fire knowing how many people live in the home and the location of bedrooms, EMS can be advised of allergies or specific medical conditions and police can have the photo of a missing child in seconds rather than minutes or hours.

While creating your Safety Profile, you can also OPT-IN FOR ALERTS, which we highly recommend. The “Alerts” portion of “Smart911” acts as a mass notification system and allows the City and Police Department to notify you of vital information and emergency situations that may be occurring in your neighborhood.  By opting in for notifications you can receive this vital information via text, email, and/or voice message. You decide how much information you want to provide when you sign up. All information is optional and you have the ability to choose what details you would like to include. This information is stored on the Smart911 secure online system. Create your Safety Profile today! Need help? Have a question? Contact Executive Assistant Shelley Cooker at 708-485-4018 or Deputy Chief Jim Stern at 708-485-5768.