Lead Service Line Survey Print

The City of Countryside Water Department has been tasked with the following:
Effective January 1, 2022, the Lead Service Line Replacement and Notification Act (Public Act 102-0613) replaced the current lead materials inventory requirements found in the Illinois Environmental Protection Act at 415 ILCS 5/17.11.  The material inventory shall identify:
  1. The TOTAL number of service lines in the CWS (Community Water System).
  2. The material of EACH service line connected to the CWS’s distribution system.
  3. The number of suspected lead service lines that have been identified.
Service lines in our City are mainly copper with a smaller number of galvanized, all of which are not a problem. The goal is to identify and create an inventory of all of the lead services that pose an increased risk of lead exposure and turn that information over to the IEPA where this information can be used to address any issues of concern.
A survey was mailed to each water customer in June.  The survey consists of a number of simple questions that will help us identify the types of materials used.  Water customers can either complete the survey that was mailed to them and return it in the self-addressed, stamped envelope OR complete the survey by clicking HERE.