Default Mortgage/Foreclosed Property Print

The City of Countryside per City Code 8-11-5 requires that within ten (10) days of the date any mortgagee declares its mortgage to be in default or defaulted, the mortgagee shall register the real property with the City Registry, and, at the time of registration, indicate whether the property is vacant, and if so shall designate in writing a property manager to inspect, maintain and secure the real property subject to the mortgage in default or defaulted. A separate registration is required for each defaulted property.

To register a Default Mortgage/Foreclosure Property:  a Vacant-Foreclosed Property Handout and Permit form must be completed and returned to the Community Development Department.

Any questions with respect to registration requirements, registration status, etc. should be directed to:  Community Development Department, Cheryl Jordan at  or you may contact Cheryl Jordan at (708) 485-2352.